Shot Zen Kensho 24g
The Shot Zen Kensho Steel Tip Darts are the perfect bomber shape for beginners or advanced dart players that have experienced nerve damage or loss of feeling in their fingertips as the shape of the dart provides an excellent push point to combat the lack of feel for grip reference.
Learn more with our in-depth blog: Zen Kensho Darts Range
These darts work really well for dart players that have a 2 or 3 finger hold, as they can take advantage of the short barrel shape that accommodates a closed in grip style.
We rate the front and rear section of the Zen Kensho Range a grip intensity of 3 out of 5 and the center trademark pyramid grip an intensity of 3 ½ out of 5.
More from Shot Darts: "Experience an awakening with the 90% tungsten Zen Kenshō dart barrel. Draped in onyx black titanium, its classic ring grips and clean push points make release effortless. Compact, agile Kenshō is designed to self-correct in flight to hit the dartboard straight on – perfect to instill good habits in players ascending through the ranks. Gain inner confidence with this dart set; it won’t let you down to achieve true balance."